Commercial Cleaning

Having a clean and tidy space to work in is an essential part of helping your people to be as productive and effective as possible. We clean scores of general offices across  every day, ensuring people get the best possible spaces in which to work.

We believe our experience, expertise, and dedication to providing exceptional service make us the perfect commercial cleaning partner for any London business or enterprise that is serious about giving its staff, clients, or customers the best possible experience.

Residential Cleaning

A clean home is a happy home, so they say. But it doesn’t have to be a tiring or day-long job for you. If you think you are the only one who finds cleaning to be less than thrilling, don’t worry. Almost everyone does. Hence, the need for professionals armed with their supplies, who can finish the job quickly and tastefully, so that you can do things you love to do. Choose from a variety of cleaning jobs listed on the Service On Wheel platform.

Construction Cleaning

Remove any remaining nails or screws from studs or ceiling joists. Brush ceiling, studs and exterior walls with a bristle broom or hand brush to remove all invisible insulation and pieces of drywall and loosen mold spores. Work from top to bottom. Remove any remaining nails or screws from studs or ceiling joists. Brush ceiling, studs and exterior walls with a bristle broom or hand brush to remove all invisible insulation and pieces of drywall and loosen mold spores. Work from top to bottom.

After wood framing is thoroughly brushed or scraped, carefully vacuum all surfaces. Use a corner tool to access tight spaces.After wood framing is thoroughly brushed or scraped, carefully vacuum all surfaces. Use a corner tool to access tight spaces.

Bathroom Cleaning

The bathroom is undoubtedly one of the most unhygienic places in a house, and a person can’t ignore the fact that he has to use the bathroom several times a day. The worrying part is for most of us, cleaning the toilet and bathroom is one of the most annoying tasks, and most often, a person does this task as a formality. It means proper cleaning is not achieved by an individual most of the time, which may lead to a poor living environment. Now, this is very serious as it can cause several health issues and affect your and your family’s lifestyle too.

Outdoor cleaning

Exterior cleaning services are essential for maintaining the appearance and value of a property. Regular cleaning can prevent the buildup of dirt and debris that can cause damage over time, and it can also help to prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and other harmful contaminants. By hiring a professional cleaning company to perform exterior cleaning services, property owners can ensure that their building or structure looks its best and remains in good condition for years to come.

House Fixing

Some homeowners inherited needed repairs when they first purchased a house. Forty-three percent of homeowners say they hadn’t made repairs that were needed when they purchased the home.

The expense is the leading reason homeowners have delayed fixing issues. More than half of homeowners surveyed say they don’t have much saved up to pay for home repairs. Only 41% of homeowners say they could afford a $500 repair out of pocket, and that percentage drops to 28% for those who could afford a $1,000 repair.

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